Data Insertion in CodeIgniter
In this tutorial we will learn about how to insert data into database in codeIgniter.
1.Create a database then configure your db credential in application/database.php
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$active_group = 'default'; $query_builder = TRUE; $db['default'] = array( 'dsn' => '', 'hostname' => 'localhost', // your hostname 'username' => 'root', // your DB username 'password' => '', // DB password 'database' => 'cidb', // your database name 'dbdriver' => 'mysqli', 'dbprefix' => '', 'pconnect' => FALSE, 'db_debug' => (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production'), 'cache_on' => FALSE, 'cachedir' => '', 'char_set' => 'utf8', 'dbcollat' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'swap_pre' => '', 'encrypt' => FALSE, 'compress' => FALSE, 'stricton' => FALSE, 'failover' => array(), 'save_queries' => TRUE ); |
2. load some libraries and helpers in application/autoload.php
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$autoload['libraries'] = array('database','session'); $autoload['helper'] = array('html','form'); |
- Database library used for database related queries
- Session library used for display success / error message using flashdata.
- Html Helper for used for link_tag
- form helper used for form
First create a view(registration.php) inside application/view folder
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<?php echo form_open('registration',['name'=>'registration'])?> <!---- Success Message ----> <?php if ($this->session->flashdata('success')) { ?> <p style="color:red; font-size:16px; "><?php echo $this->session->flashdata('success'); ?></p> <?php } ?> <!---- Error Message ----> <?php if ($this->session->flashdata('error')) { ?> <p style="color:red; font-size:16px;"><?php echo $this->session->flashdata('error'); ?></p> <?php } ?> <p> <?php echo form_label('Enter your Name', 'name'); ?> <?php echo form_input(['name'=>'fullname','id'=>'fullname','placeholder'=>'Enter you full name','value'=>set_value('fullname')]);?> <?php echo form_error('fullname',"<div style='color:red'>","</div>");?> </p> <p> <?php echo form_label('Enter your Contact Mobile Number', 'mobnumber'); ?> <?php echo form_input(['name'=>'mobnumber','id'=>'mobnumber','placeholder'=>'Enter your Contact Mobile Number','value'=>set_value('mobnumber')]);?> <?php echo form_error('mobnumber',"<div style='color:red'>","</div>");?> </p> <p> <?php echo form_label('Enter your Valid Email id', 'emailid'); ?> <?php echo form_input(['name'=>'emailid','id'=>'emailid','placeholder'=>'Enter your Valid Email id','value'=>set_value('emailid')]);?> <?php echo form_error('emailid',"<div style='color:red'>","</div>");?> </p> <p> <?php echo form_label('Select gender','gender'); ?> : <?php $options=array( 'Male'=>'Male', 'Female'=>'Female', 'Other'=>'Other' ); echo form_dropdown('gender',$options);?> </p> <p> <?php echo form_label('Enter your address','address'); ?> <br /> <?php echo form_textarea(['name'=>'address','rows'=>'5','cols'=>'60','id'=>'address','class'=>'form-control','placeholder'=>'Enter your address','value'=>set_value('address')]);?> <?php echo form_error('address',"<div style='color:red'>","</div>");?> </p> <p class="termcondtion"> <?php echo form_checkbox('TermsCondition','accept', TRUE); ?> <?php echo form_label('Accept terms and conditions','terms'); ?> </p> <p class="login button"> <?php echo form_submit(['name'=>'submit','value'=>'Submit']);?> </p> </form> <?php echo form_close();?> |
Now create a controller (Registration.php) inside application/controller. You can also set your default controller in application/routes.php
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$route['default_controller'] = 'Registration'; |
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<?php Class Registration extends CI_Controller{ public function index(){ //library form validation . you can also load this libray in application/autoload.php $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('fullname','Full Name','required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('mobnumber','Mobile Number','required|numeric|exact_length[10]'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('emailid','Email id','required|valid_email'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('address','Address','required'); if($this->form_validation->run()){ $fname=$this->input->post('fullname'); $mnumber=$this->input->post('mobnumber'); $emaild=$this->input->post('emailid'); $gender=$this->input->post('gender'); $adress=$this->input->post('address'); $tc=$this->input->post('TermsCondition'); $this->load->model('Registration_Model'); $this->Registration_Model->insertdata($fname,$mnumber,$emaild,$gender,$adress,$tc); } else{ $this->load->view("registration"); } } |
Create a model (Registration_Model.php) inside application/model.
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<?php Class Registration_Model extends CI_Model{ public function insertdata($fname,$mnumber,$emaild,$gender,$adress,$tc){ $data=array( 'fullName'=>$fname, 'mobileNumber'=>$mnumber, 'emailId'=>$emaild, 'gender'=>$gender, 'address'=>$adress, 'termsCondition'=>$tc ); $sql_query=$this->db->insert('tblusers',$data); if($sql_query){ $this->session->set_flashdata('success', 'Registration successful'); redirect('registration'); } else{ $this->session->set_flashdata('error', 'Somthing went worng. Error!!'); redirect('registration'); }} } |
SQL Table structure for tblusers
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CREATE TABLE `tblusers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `fullName` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `mobileNumber` char(12) DEFAULT NULL, `emailId` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `gender` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `address` mediumtext, `termsCondition` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `postingDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; |
View Demo———————————————–
How to run this script
- Download the zip file .
- Extract the zip and copy registrationci folder
- Paste in root directory(For xampp htdocs and for wamp www)
- Open your browser put http://localhost/phpmyadmin
- Create a database cidb
- Import sql file tblusers.sql
- Run your script http://localhost/registrationci