PHP Projects Free Downloads

Core PHP Projects List

Free Projects List

# PHP Project Name
1 User Registration & Login and User Management System With admin panel
2 Hostel Management System
3 Student Record System
4 Small CRM
5 Hospital Management System
6 Shopping Portal Using PHP and MySQL
7 Complaint Management system
8 Online Course Registration
9 Tourism Management System
10 Car Rental Project in PHP and Mysql
11 Blood Bank & Donor Management System
12 Online Library Management System
13 Student Result Management System
14 Employee Leaves Management System (ELMS)
15 News Portal Project in PHP and MySql
16 Contact form with mail function and Storing data in the database – Mini Project
17 Employee Record Management System in PHP and MySQL
18 Directory Management System using PHP and MySQL
19 Company Visitor Management System using PHP and MySQL
20 Daily Expense Tracker System Using PHP and MySQL
21 Vehicle Parking Management System Using PHP and MySQL
22 Apartment Visitors Management System using PHP and MySQL
23 Cyber Cafe Management System Using PHP & MySQL
24 Beauty Parlour Management System using PHP and MySQL
25 Teachers Record Management System Using PHP and MySQL
26 Client Management System using PHP & MySQL
27 Local Services Search Engine Management System Using PHP and MySQL
28 Dairy Farm Shop Management System Using PHP and MySQL
29 Park Ticketing Management System  using PHP and MySql
30 Online DJ Booking Management System Using PHP and MySQL
31 Online Birth Certificate System Using PHP and MySQL
32 Curfew e-Pass Management System Using PHP and MySQL
33 Online Marriage Registration System using PHP and MySQL
34 Zoo management System using PHP and MySQL
35 User Management System in PHP using Stored Procedure
36 COVID19 Testing Management System Using PHP and MySQL
37 Bus Pass Management System Using PHP and MySQL
38 Men Salon Management System Using PHP and MySQL
39 IFSC Code Finder Project Using PHP
40 Car Washing Management System Using PHP
41 Student Management System Using PHP and MySQl
42 Online Banquet Booking System Using PHP and MySQL
43 e-Diary Management System using PHP and MySQL
44 Online Fire Reporting System Using PHP and MySQL
45 GYM Management System Using PHP and MySQL
46 Old Age Home Management System Using PHP and MySQL
47 Auto/Taxi Stand Management System Using PHP and MySQL
48 Online Security Guards Hiring System using PHP and MySQL
49 Doctor Appointment Management System Using PHP and MySQL
50 Bank Locker Management System Using PHP and MySQL
51 Student Study Center Management System using PHP and MySQL
52 Art Gallery Management System using PHP and MySQL
53 BP Monitoring Management System using PHP and MySQL
54 Pre-School Enrollment System using PHP and MySQL
55 Rail Pass Management System using PHP and MySQL
56 Maid Hiring Management System using PHP and MySQL
57 Teacher Subject Allocation System using PHP and MySQL
58 Restaurant Table Booking System using PHP and MySQL
59 Online Nurse Hiring System using PHP and MySQL
60 Nipah virus (NiV) – Testing Management System Using PHP and MySQL
61 Online Notes Sharing System using PHP and MySQL
62 Emergency Ambulance Hiring Portal using PHP and MySQL
63 Medical Card Generation System using PHP and MySQL
64 Vehicle Record System using PHP and MySQL
65 Boat Booking System using PHP and MySQL
66 Land Record System using PHP and MySQL

CodeIgniter Projects List

# Project Name
1. User Management System in CodeIgniter
2. Daily Expense Tracker using CodeIgniter
3 Apartment Visitors Management System Developed using CodeIgniter
4 Teachers Record Management System using CodeIgniter
5. Blood Donor Management System Using CodeIgniter
6. News Portal Using CodeIgniter

Python Projects

# Project Name
1. Student Registration/Enrollment System in Python Django
2. Blog Management System Using Django Python
3. Staff Leave Management System Using Django Python SQLite
4. Cyber Cafe Management System Using Django Python MySQL
5. Company Visitors Management System Using Django Python MySQL
6. Bus Pass System Using Django Python MySQL
7. Doctor Appointments System Using Python Django and MySQL
8. Apartment Visitors System Using Python Django and MySQL
9. Student Record System Using Python Django and MySQL
10. Complaint Management System Using Python Django and MySQL
11. Employee Record System Using Python Django and MySQL
12. Directory Management System Using Python Django and MySQL
13. Online Notes Sharing System using Python Django and MySQL
14. Art Exhibition Management System using Python Django and MySQL
15. News Portal using Python Django and MySQL
16. Online Library Management System using Python Django and MySQL
17. Hospital Management System using Python Django and MySQL
18. Blood Bank Donor Management System using Python Django and MySQL
19. Vehicle Breakdown Assistance Management System Using Python Django and MySQL

Premium / Paid Projects List

# PHP Project Name Cost
1 Insurance Management System in PHP and MySQL Rs.699 / $9.90
2 College Admission Management System in PHP and MySQL Rs.499 / $7
3 Laundry Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.499 / $7
4 Vehicle Service Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.549 / $7.77
5 Courier Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.599 / $7.20
6 Food Ordering System using PHP and MySQL Rs.799 / $9.61
7 Attendance Monitoring System using PHP and MySQL Rs.999 / $12.19
8 Car Driving School Management System  using PHP and MySQL Rs.399 / $5.65
9 Event Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.699 / $9.90
10 Paying Guest Accommodation System Rs.699 / $8.5
11 Car Showroom Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.449 / $6.36
12 Pharmacy Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.649 / $9.40
13 Water Supply Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.599 / $7.21
14 Toll Tax Management System using PHP & MySQL Rs.549 / $7.77
15 Real Estate Management System Project using PHP & MySQL Rs.799 / $11.31
16 Campus Recruitment Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.699 / $9.90
17 Vehicle Rental Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.649 / $9.19
18 Movers and Packers Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.449 / $5.39
19 Society Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.549 / $6.50
20 Online Diagnostic Lab Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.699 / $9.90
21 Online Tiffin Service System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.349 / $4.94
22 Online Gas Booking System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.499 / $6.54
23 Hotel Booking Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.499 / $6.54
24 Online Furniture Shop Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $7.87
25 Yoga Classes Registration System using PHP and MySQL Rs.449/ $5.91
26 Health Monitoring Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.399/ $5.28
27 Crime Record Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.799/ $10.58
28 Online Catering Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $7.87
29 Complaint Management System Pro version using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6.61
30 AC Repairing System using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6.61
31 Online Dance Classes Registration System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.429/ $5.69
32 Theme Park Management System Using PHP and MYSQL Rs.299/ $3.76
33 Job Portal Project Using PHP and MYSQL Rs.549/ $7.49
34 Online College Assignment System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.649/ $8.82
35 Inventory Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6.80
36 Online Magazine Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6.80
37 Computer Service Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.349/ $4.70
38 Lawyers Record Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.449/ $6.02
39 Cake Bakery System Project Using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6.69
40 Mobile Store Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6.69
41 Vehicle Breakdown Assistance Management System Using PHP Rs.499/ $6.69
42 Daily Expense Tracker System Pro Version Using PHP Rs.299/ $4.05
43 Directory Listing Management System Using PHP Rs.499/ $6.7
44 Pre-Owned/Used Car Selling Management System Using PHP Rs.449/ $6.0
45 Baby Daycare Management System Using PHP Rs.449/ $6.0
46 Cold Storage Management System Using PHP Rs.499/ $6.65
47 Curfew e-Pass Management System using PHP & MySQL Pro Version Rs.349/ $4.625
48 Home Loan Management System using PHP & MySQL Rs.499/ $6.68
49 Internet Service Provider Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $8
50 Food Waste Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $8
51 Sanitization Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.399/ $5.31
52 Driver Hiring Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6.69
53 Jewelry Shop Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $7.73
54 Online Shopping Portal Pro Version using PHP and MySQL Rs.799/ $9.61
55 Employee Task Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.519/ $6.81
56 Blog Management System using PHP and MySQL (CMS) Rs.449/ $5.92
57 Online Temple Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.549/ $7.23
58 Online Course Material Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.399/ $5.11
59 Fuel Delivery Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $7.56
60 Traffic Squad Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.549/ $6.93
61 Laptop and Desktop Rental Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.549/ $6.88
62 Garbage Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.649/ $8.15
63 Cricket Academy Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $7.27
64 Covid Vaccination Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $7.27
65 Employee Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6.11
65 CREDIT CARD Application Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.349/ $4.22
66 Employee Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6.11
67 RTO Management System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $7.36
68 NurseryManagement System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.549/ $6.63
69 Online Railway Catering System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.799/ $9.22
70 Scholarship Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.799/ $9.22
71 Online College Faculty Record Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.449/ $5.5
72 Food Recipe System Using PHP and MySQL Rs.899/ $10.80
73 Online Book Store Using PHP and MySQL Rs.799/ $9.61
74 Toy Shop Using PHP and MySQL Rs.799/ $9.61
75 Orphanage Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.649/ $7.81
76 Employee Transport System using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $7.22
77 College Fee System using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6
78 College Alumni System using PHP and MySQL Rs.549/ $6.5
79 Meeting and Conference Booking System using PHP and MySQL Rs.549/ $6.5
80 Employees Attendance System using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6.0
81 Electronic Waste system using PHP and MySQL Rs.699/ $8.42
82 Support Ticket System using PHP and MySQL Rs.649/ $7.82
83 Online Cloth Rental System using PHP and MySQL Rs.799/ $9.6
84 Online Birth and Death Certificate System using PHP and MySQL Rs.499/ $6.0
85 Lost and Found Portal Using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $7.14
86 Agriculture Equipment Rental System using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $7.14
87 Fruits and Vegetable Shop Management System using PHP and MySQL Rs.599/ $7.14
88 Online Tailor Booking System using PHP and MySQL Rs.749/ $8.78

PHP (Pre-Processor Hypertext) is a server-side scripting language, which is considered best for developing the dynamic web pages. At PHPGurukul students can easily download the  FREE PHP projects on varied topics according to their requirements. This list of projects in PHP with source code aims to enhance the user’s skills with the dynamic and attractive web application. These PHP projects are well designed for users to understand the PHP concept during the execution of any web development. And it could also be helpful for students or beginners to gain the primary ideas before starting any project. PHP programming is a crucial part of the Web development mechanism, so make it simpler and easier with PHP free projects download at PHPGurukul.

With time we would introduce  PHP Projects Ideas & new PHP projects  List related to PHP that you can easily download them.

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Below are the major benefits of our PHP Projects Free Downloads:

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  • Easy learning with actual source code.
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  • Free PHP Projects with source code contains functions and procedures that are reusable.

Our website offers PHP Projects for students with basic as well as advanced projects. As an additional benefit, the project report is also included when you download a PHP project. These project reports can be purchased at a minimal price. When you submit your assessment for PHP, it would be really helpful and save a lot of your time and efforts. You can always customize these PHP projects as per your need.

PHP Projects Free Downloads include around 36 Free PHP projects, 3 Projects built using CodeIgniter, and 76 Paid PHP projects. These projects are very obliging to enhance your skills with attractive web applications, and each Project is well designed for effective and interactive usage.

The PHP projects are categorized into versatile topics that attract attention and also include simple and common PHP projects for your references. For beginners, projects like Online Library management and hospital management are included. For advanced web developers and professionals’ projects like Inventory management, Online Catering Curfew e-Pass Management, Teachers Record management are included.