Car Washing Management System using PHP and MySQL
Car Washing Management System Introduction
Car Washing Management System Project is a web application.
In-Car Washing Management System Project in PHP performed all the operations needed to clean the car successfully by using highly expert and experienced workers, also developed mimic of the whole system, works and checked the overall process step by step by visualization.
. In this project, we use PHP and MySQL database. It has two modules i.e. Admin and user.
Car Washing Management System Project
Project Name | Car Washing Management System |
Language Used | PHP5.6, PHP7.x |
Database | MySQL 5.x |
User Interface Design | HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT |
Web Browser | Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA |
Software | XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) |
Car Washing Management System Project Modules
- Admin
- Users
- Dashboard: In this section, admin can see two wheeler and four wheeler vehicle detail in brief.
- Washing Points: In this section, admin can manage washing location (Add/Update).
- Add Car Washing Booking: In this section, admin add car washing booking on his/her end.
- Car Washing Booking: In this section, admin can view booking details of car washing which is booked by users.
- Manage Enquiries: In this section, admin can read the enquiries of users.
- Pages: In this section, the admin can manage about us and contact us pages.
Admin can also change the password of his/her account.
- Home Page: Users can see the listed vehicles on the home page.
- About Us: Users can view about us page.
- Washing plans: User can view car washing plans and book that plans.
- Washing points: User can view car washing location.
- Contact us: Users can view the contact us page.
Project Output Screens
Home Page
Car Washing Points Page
Admin Signin Page
Admin Dashboard
How to run the Car Washing Management Project in PHP
- Download the zip file
2. Extract the file and copy cwms
3.Paste inside root directory(for xampp xampp/htdocs, for wamp wamp/www, for lamp var/www/Html)
4.Open PHPMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)
5. Create a database with the name cwmsdb
6. Import cwmsdb.sql
file(given inside the zip package in SQL file folder)
7. Run the script http://localhost/cwms
Admin Credential
Username: admin
Password: Test@123