Python Django Project List with source code
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# | Project name | Price |
1. | Vehicle Breakdown Assistance Management System Using Python Django and MySQL | Rs.549/$6.54 |
Hello and welcome! Here is my best arsenal of Python Django projects, all well-cooked and well-decorated. These are intended to solve actual scenarios and are ideal for newbies, learners, and anyone wishing to build on the Django skill. Let’s dive in!
1. Student Registration/Enrollment System using python Django
Student registration can be very rigorous sometimes, but with my Student Registration/Enrollment System, the entire process is straightforward. This system also assists administrators in working effortlessly with student data, thus making enrollment less complex.
2. Blog Management System using python Django
The use of management systems is something that I know as a blogger is highly necessary. My Blog Management System is implemented using Django Python; you can create, edit and administer blog posts here. That is good news for any blogger, new or old, as this system caters for your every need.
3. Staff Leave Management System using python Django
Tracking the leave requests with staff can sometimes be a bit difficult. I created the Staff Leave Management System to track employees’ requests and their respective managers efficiently. This application, developed using the Django framework, helps manage leaves by eradicating all the hurdles for the staff to apply for leave and providing convenience to the administrators to approve or reject the request.
4. Cyber Cafe Management System using python Django
Cyber cafe business entails the proper utilization of resources and customers. Therefore, my Cyber Cafe Management System, created with Django and MySQL, enables users to manage their sessions, monitor them, and use payments, making them competent and efficient.
5. Company Visitors Management System using python Django
The protection and management of visitors are always significant priorities for any business. You can easily manage visitors’ information entries and enhance your firm’s security through my Company Visitors Management System.
6. Bus Pass System using python Django
Make the management of bus passes easier for issuing and renewal with the help of my Bus Pass System. Developed employing Django as the main framework and MySQL as the base of operations, this system guarantees that the bus pass shall be easily arranged by the commuting public, thus relieving the burden on both the users and service providers.
7. Doctor Appointments System using python Django
It is common for some tasks to take a long time; therefore, it is not surprising for people to spend much of their time booking doctors’ appointments. My Doctor Appointments System optimizes this process, allowing patients to book an appointment online and reminding patients about the appointments. This system was developed with Django and MySQL to guarantee an organized appointment booking.
8. Apartment Visitors System using python Django
In some cases, dealing with visitors in residential complex areas can sometimes be a big issue. My Apartment Visitors System, implemented using Django and MySQL, is a much more efficient and secure system for inputting and collecting visitor information for one’s apartment.
9. Student Record System using python Django
The management of records is crucial to education facilities. My Student Record System, implemented by Django and MySQL, helps administrators resolve problems with effectiveness in managing student information, grades, and attendance.
10. Complaint Management System using python Django
To be concise, it is pivotal to run complaints discretely and be able to do it without the appearance of an atmosphere that could be considered negative. My application, Complaint Management System, created with Django and MySQL, allows users to raise and follow complaints, thus enhancing overall satisfaction and quicker resolution.
11. Employee Record System using python Django
It is universally necessary to manage the employees’ information. My Employee Record System using Django with MySQL deals with the Acquisition, Storage and Retrieval of records of the employees’ performance and development, bonuses, salaries, work completion rates, and other factors that improve organizational performance.
12. Directory Management System using python Django
By using my Directory Management System, I collate the information in a well-arranged manner. Based on the Django framework and MySQL, it provides the opportunity for easy storing of contact information and helps to find necessary contacts in several clicks.
13. Online Notes Sharing System using python Django
It is equally important to share the source of information and materials for learning as this is very effective. My proposed system is called My Online Notes Sharing System, which I developed using Django and MySQL to enable students and educators to share notes.
14. Art Exhibition Management System using python Django
The events that concern an art exhibition include performers or how to deal with the participants and artworks. The tasks such as management of the guest list, tracking of artwork sales and coordinating an art exhibition are greatly eased by My Art Exhibition Management System that I developed using Django and backed with MySQL, guaranteeing a successful event.
I hope these projects excite you as they do to me and can be useful for you. To cater for various needs, the projects are open with source code to facilitate customization. Getting started with Django and Python is something every learner, professional, or anyone interested in software development can get to appreciate from the projects below.
Thank you for stopping by, and happy coding!
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