Art Exhibition Management System using Python Django and MySQL
The Art Exhibition Management System Project using Python Django and MySQl has been designed to override the problem of existing manual system. This web application is supported to eliminate and in some case reduce the hardship faced by manual system. The application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering the data. It’s also provide message while entering invalid data. No formal knowledge is required for the user to operate this system. Overall we said that Art Exhibition Management System is user friendly.
Project Requirements
Project Name | Art Exhibition Management System Project in Python Django |
Language Used | Python |
Framework Used | Django |
Database | MySQL |
User Interface Design | HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT |
Web Browser | Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA |
IDE | PyCharm |
Project Modules
In Art Exhibition Management System we use Python, Django Framework and MySQL database. This project keeps the records of user enquiry, art products and art artist. Art Exhibition Management System has two module i.e. admin and user.
Admin Module
1. Dashboard: In this section, admin can briefly view the total number of artist, total answer enquiry, total unanswer enquiry, Total Art Type, total art medium and total art products.
2. Art Type: In this section, admin can manage art type (add/delete/update).
3. Art Medium: In this section, admin can manage art medium(add/update/delete).
4. Art Product: In this section, admin can manage art products(add/update/delete).
5. Enquiry: In this section, admin can view and maintain the enquiry.
6. Search Enquiry: In this section admin, can search enquiry with the help of enquiry number.
6. Page: In this section, admin can manage about us and contact us pages..
Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.
User Module
1. Home: It is a welcome page for users.
2. About: It is an about us page of website.
3. Art Product: In this section, users can view art products and sent enquiry for that products.
4. Contact: In this section, users can view contact us details.
3. Art Type: In this section, users can view art products according to art type and sent enquiry for art products.
Some of the Project Screens
Home Page
Enquiry Page
Admin Dashboard
Manage Artist’s
Add Art
All Enquiries
How to run the Art Exhibition Management System Django Python
1. Download the zip file
2. Extract the file, copy artexhibition
folder, and paste it on the desktop
3. Open MySQL Create a database artpythondb
then import the SQL File available in the SQL File Folder (For MySQL we used XAMPP server)
4. Open PyCharm and click on the terminal
5. Navigate the project folder using the cd command
cd project_path
For ex: cd C:\Users\ANUJ\OneDrive\Desktop\
6. Now Navigate to the artexhibition
Folder folder
cd artexhibition
7. Run the Project using the following command
python runserver
Now click the URL
and the Project will Run
Login Details
Username: admin
Password: Test@123