CREDIT CARD Application Management System Using PHP and MySQL
Credit Card Application Management System Project is a web-based technology the main purpose of this project is to provide all online credit card application management. Users can apply for credit cards online and check the application status by using his/her name /mobile number/application number.
Project Requirements
Project Name | Credit Card Application Management Project (Using PHP & MYSQLi) |
Language Used | PHP5.6, PHP7.x |
Database | MySQL 5.x |
User Interface Design | HTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPT |
Web Browser | Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA |
Software | XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone) |
Project Modules
In Credit Card Application Management System Project we use PHP and MySQL database. This is the project which keeps records of admin/sub-admin and also manages the credit card application. Credit Card Application Management System has three modules i.e. admin, Sub-Admins, and users.
Admin Module
Dashboard: In this section admin can briefly view total number of Subadmins and total number of new application, accepted application and rejected application.
Subadmins: In this section, admin can manage the Sub-Admins (add/update,Delete).
CC Application: In this section, admin can manage the credit card application and change the status of the application according to the current scenario.
Report: In this section, two reports are available.
- B/w Dates Report: Admin can view a number of credit card applications received in particular periods.
- Search Report: admin can search Credit Card Applications by using Name/Email/Mobile Number/Application Number.
Pages: In this Section, Admin can manage the content of about us and contact us pages.
Account Settings:
- Profile: In this section, admin can update his/her profile.
- Change Password: In this section admin can change his/her own passwords
- Logout: Through this button admin can log out.
Forgot Password: In this section, admin can reset his/her password by using registered email id and contact number.
Sub-Admin Module
Sub-Admin and Admin features are the same except Sub-Admin creation. Sub-Admin can’t create the Sub-Admins.
Note: In this project MD5 encryption method is used.
User can visit the website.
User apply for credit card online.
Users can check the application status by using the application number/name/mobile number.
Some of the Project Screens
Home Page

Admin/Sub-Admin Login

Admin Dashboard

CC Application Details

How to run the Credit Card Application Management System Project Using PHP and MySQL
1. Download the zip file
2. Extract the file and copy ccams
3.Paste inside root directory(for xampp xampp/htdocs, for wamp wamp/www, for lamp var/www/HTML)
4.Open PHPMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)
5. Create a database with the name ccamsdb
6. Import ccamsdb.sql
file(given inside the zip package in the SQL file folder)
7. Run the script http://localhost/ccams
Credential for admin panel
Username: admin
Password: Test@123
Credential for Sub-Admin panel Username: johndeo12
Password: Test@123
Or Register a new Sub-Admin.
CC Application No
Application No: 567944808
Or Apply for a new credit card.